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Poem-Offerings from the God

सोमवार, चैत ३०, २०७७ |

Poem-Offerings from the God

I offer you a complete life and beauty,
Making good or bad is upto you as duty;
I offer you a tree of ways and it’s branches,
Winning or learning is upto you as chances.

I offer you all success and full happiness,
Trying or crying is upto you for progress;
I offer you lots of chances with a courage,
Oneoff or again is upto you how encourage.

I offer you a lovely heart fill up with trust,
Loyality or betray all upto you how you brust;
I offer you the eyes and ocean of tear;
Float or overcome, it’s upto you, my dear.

I offer you both lots of friends and enemies,
Join or isolate is upto you how you like to be;
I offer you special life with millions of mystery,
Solve or leave, it’s upto you how to create a history.

  • Asmita Khadka
  • Class 11, Jhapa Marigold English secondary School